Grace Wilson’s motivational book, Rising Above, was her labor of love, inspired by her personal journey of overcoming adversity. She initially self-published and saw moderate success within her community. However, Grace yearned to reach a wider audience and make her story accessible to people who needed hope and encouragement. That’s when she found Beacon Book Publishers.
Beacon didn’t just promise distribution—they crafted a detailed strategy to place Grace’s book on shelves across major bookstores and libraries in the United States and beyond. "When I received the first picture of my book displayed in a New York bookstore, I was overwhelmed with emotion," Grace shared. The team also ensured her book was listed on global platforms like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and independent bookstores worldwide.
Today, Rising Above is not just a local success but a global phenomenon. Grace receives emails and messages from readers across continents, thanking her for her book’s impact. "Beacon turned my vision of inspiring others into a reality. They opened doors I never thought possible," she said in her heartfelt acknowledgment.
Jack Carter, an emerging thriller author, had written The Last Clue, a gripping story that captivated his local audience. However, Jack felt his potential was untapped. His dream was to see his book become an international bestseller, but the logistics of global distribution seemed daunting. Beacon Book Publishers stepped in and assured him that his dream could be a reality.
The team worked tirelessly to connect Jack’s book with major bookstores, libraries, and online retailers in the United States, Europe, and Asia. Beyond the technical aspects, they brought in their marketing expertise, ensuring the book was spotlighted in key markets. "Seeing my book featured in a London bookstore was a surreal experience," Jack recalled.
The Last Clue went on to sell thousands of copies internationally, gaining Jack a loyal reader base across countries. Today, Jack credits Beacon for their unparalleled efforts. "Their team didn’t just distribute my book—they amplified my voice worldwide," he said.